Near Window 10

Atlantis Outside the window a blackbird is singing with such tenacity and gusto that I feel like crying. In the drawing evening, i have Henry Jamison’s new record on. The blackbird outside sings as though to accompany him. I am listening to him sing like the world is ending, or like it’s beginning. I’m notContinueContinue reading “Near Window 10”

Near Window 9

Caribou, confinement, and the coming of spring “It is spring, that is to say that it is approaching THE BEGINNING” Scrolling through Twitter at some god awful hour this morning I saw a green and yellow painting of daffodils. Mottled grey blue of sky and brown thatch of distant trees reminiscent of the arrival ofContinueContinue reading “Near Window 9”

Near window 4

Solstice: through circumstance […] location takes a different meaning I have listened to this playlist for about an hour so you should probably put it on and just lie down somewhere for a while and listen to it. Ur welcome. It also goes quite nicely with what ur about to read so it comes recommendedContinueContinue reading “Near window 4”

Near Window 1

A square of gold on crumpled white linen. A warm left knee catching the first few days of March sunshine. A sky clean as kitchen walls, and air the colour of breakfast, if breakfast has a colour at all. I look at my palm for maybe fifteen minutes. The criss-cross of the future etched onContinueContinue reading “Near Window 1”

Brexit Weathers: isolation, ice and ‘The Wanderer’

What follows is a section of my upcoming book Spectral Weathers: on grief, place, and self in English Landscapes that didn’t quite make the cut, tbh. It didn’t seem to quite fit anywhere, and whilst I’ve cut it I thought it might find a home here! Weather is written into the surface of English landscapes; evenContinueContinue reading “Brexit Weathers: isolation, ice and ‘The Wanderer’”

I wonder – some thoughts on winter and sunshine

I spend much of my time wondering. I wonder what time it is. I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow. I wonder if someone is thinking of me. I wonder if it will rain later. I wonder if the sun will shine. More often than not, because it is winter, and it isContinueContinue reading “I wonder – some thoughts on winter and sunshine”