What do we do with a clean slate?

Ah, how the mighty have fallen. There I was pontificating bout the only record of my life belonging to billionaires in California, and here I am now having had a monumental iPhone fuck up and I’ve lost the record of the last 4 years of my life because i didn’t want to pay £2.99 everyContinueContinue reading “What do we do with a clean slate?”

Two kites at the Tesco Garage.

I don’t know if you do this too, but in my head, I self-mythologise so much that I make an arthouse indie film out of everything I do in my head. I’m not always the protagonist of this movie, I can’t be, really, because I’m not in any of the shots, but I almost alwaysContinueContinue reading “Two kites at the Tesco Garage.”

Dalmation tune

Have you heard Tea for the Tillerman? It always comes into my head unbidden at strange little moments, so that when I listen to it I feel like I’m in all those places at once. It’s only a minute long. Well, a minute and one second. A dalmatian tune. 1:01. But I’m everywhere in it.ContinueContinue reading “Dalmation tune”

Near window 15

Anarchopenguins Well – what are you doing? Not very much. I’ve been lying on the carpet for 45 minutes. The sun square came and went. I opened a book for 7 minutes. I listened to the radio for half that time. I made a tea. Sipped it. Forgot it. Microwaved it. Forgot it again. TippedContinueContinue reading “Near window 15”

Near Window 11

… an interesting question. This time last year I was resurfacing from a pretty deep depression. I know this because I remember, but I was reminded of it because my Instagram archive decided to display some choice pieces of last spring for me to look at. Most of my content last year was me waxingContinueContinue reading “Near Window 11”

Near Window 7

Divine moments of friendship Just now I accidentally barged in on a friends meet up in the Houseparty app. She’d sent me a link to be her friend on it and like some fucking boomer I was fidgeting around clicking buttons and SUDDENLY there I was in their little hangout. Embarrassing. I wanted the digitalContinueContinue reading “Near Window 7”

Near Window 5

Night Mail I’m a letter writer. I write letters when I’m angry, or sad, or overjoyed, to the person who is the source of this emotion. I never send them. I wrote a letter about Rodin’s the Kiss to a boy I’d kissed some time ago, but I lost it when my computer caught aContinueContinue reading “Near Window 5”

Brexit Blues

I feel like the child of a broken home today. The divorce of my country from the EU has left me feeling like a usurper in my current country of residence (France) this morning, and I can’t shake my feelings of sadness and regret that this day has finally come. But the rhetoric that BorisContinueContinue reading “Brexit Blues”

Pebbles and Becoming

Pebbles are transient things. Always caught in the half mess of becoming, between mountain and dust. Always in the process of being carried somewhere by tides or inquisitive hands or brimming pockets or sandy buckets. Things of all four elements, caught by fleeting sunbeams as they play on the horizon line of ocean, heaven beamsContinueContinue reading “Pebbles and Becoming”