Upward spirals – cultural returnings, and depressive ontology.

I think it’s very interesting that whilst I’ve been returning to the late 1990s and early 2000s through my writing, all of a sudden things that were popular then, are reappearing everywhere for me now – and I’m speaking specifically about popular things from between 1998, and 2003, rather than the general 1990s nostalgia that’sContinueContinue reading “Upward spirals – cultural returnings, and depressive ontology.”

Illustrating Grief-Space

I drew the above diagram in a seminar after the death of Mark Fisher in 2017. I was trying to explain how I felt about my own losses previously; and how I felt being in the university environment without Mark there. Grief-space is a term which I coined for the space, or hole, that isContinueContinue reading “Illustrating Grief-Space”