Near Window 11

… an interesting question. This time last year I was resurfacing from a pretty deep depression. I know this because I remember, but I was reminded of it because my Instagram archive decided to display some choice pieces of last spring for me to look at. Most of my content last year was me waxingContinueContinue reading “Near Window 11”

Near Window 10

Atlantis Outside the window a blackbird is singing with such tenacity and gusto that I feel like crying. In the drawing evening, i have Henry Jamison’s new record on. The blackbird outside sings as though to accompany him. I am listening to him sing like the world is ending, or like it’s beginning. I’m notContinueContinue reading “Near Window 10”

Near Window 9

Caribou, confinement, and the coming of spring “It is spring, that is to say that it is approaching THE BEGINNING” Scrolling through Twitter at some god awful hour this morning I saw a green and yellow painting of daffodils. Mottled grey blue of sky and brown thatch of distant trees reminiscent of the arrival ofContinueContinue reading “Near Window 9”

Near Window 7

Divine moments of friendship Just now I accidentally barged in on a friends meet up in the Houseparty app. She’d sent me a link to be her friend on it and like some fucking boomer I was fidgeting around clicking buttons and SUDDENLY there I was in their little hangout. Embarrassing. I wanted the digitalContinueContinue reading “Near Window 7”

Near Window 6

It ain’t over ‘til it’s over Do you remember what it felt like to lie down on grass and smell it’s green freshness underneath your face, and feel the slight dampness of spring soil under your palms? Or Better yet, can you remember the dry feeling of tickly grass on your legs and the firmContinueContinue reading “Near Window 6”

Near window 4

Solstice: through circumstance […] location takes a different meaning I have listened to this playlist for about an hour so you should probably put it on and just lie down somewhere for a while and listen to it. Ur welcome. It also goes quite nicely with what ur about to read so it comes recommendedContinueContinue reading “Near window 4”