Returning to the gallery

It’s a Saturday morning and the sun is intermittently shining on Parisian streets. The leaves, resplendent in their may freshness, dapple grey pavements with the warm golden green if promised summer. I am going to the Pompidou. I went to the Pompidou with a pal when I first moved here and it was absolute chaos.ContinueContinue reading “Returning to the gallery”

Swimming Pool

Imagine this: it’s 35 degrees and you’re on a small poolside on some greek island somewhere. The year is 2017, you’re writing a dissertation about grief and landscape, you don’t like your boyfriend, and you and a pal have escaped to the sun to think about philosophy and art and trauma whilst drinking daiquiris andContinueContinue reading “Swimming Pool”

Near Window 30

Mississippi Rain It is raining so hard, and smells like iron. You know that petrichore smell you get in cities whilst it’s raining? It doesn’t smell the same when it rains on grass. I feel like crying. Have you ever looked at rain and just wanted to be it? Able to go anywhere, constantly cyclingContinueContinue reading “Near Window 30”

Near window 27

I really don’t know clouds at all In my mind, this year was gonna be a white table cloth spread with breakfast for one. Eggs and avo on toast and freshly brewed coffee steaming, sunlight streaming through open windows juiliette balconetted with views of a small place. The trees outside would hush themselves in gentleContinueContinue reading “Near window 27”

Near Window 23: Far Window

Today’s near window is a photo essay from Eliza Cox. Eliza Cox is from Adelaide, and can currently be found in Paris. She takes a million photos but hasn’t posted anything on Instagram since 2017. She also has stacks of undeveloped film.

Near Window 21

D e m o t i v a t i o n Yo. Sorry I’ve been away, I’ve been feeling pretty demotivated. I don’t really know what to write apart from « I watched tiger king and read a book and thought about what will happen when this is all over » I feel likeContinueContinue reading “Near Window 21”

Near Window 20

Time This morning I said I’d get up, but I didn’t. I said I’d do work but I didn’t. I said I’d do a lot of things but I haven’t. Instead I put on this song and danced in my room around the sunsquare, like the breeze coming in through the window, like hot coffeeContinueContinue reading “Near Window 20”

Near Window 18: Far Window

Todays near window comes to you from the mind and music studio of Steve Tromans. it comes hand in hand with a beautiful piece of music that you can access here. Highly recommend checking out more of his work whilst you’re there! Evening – Steve Tromans It is evening. The lean of the trees. TheContinueContinue reading “Near Window 18: Far Window”

Near Window 17

The body is a cathedral It is easter week. For all lapsed catholics its an interesting thing, to remember the traipse to mass, the week long vigil you spend running back and forth to church. The emotional release of maundy thursday, weeping in a pew for all those whove gone before, holding vigil like youreContinueContinue reading “Near Window 17”

Near Window 12

A visitor Hot water thrumming into a red mug, news on, Corona Virus is said 17 times in the first 7 minutes, sun coming gently into the courtyard like a friend placing their hand on your elbow at a party to let you know they’re there. Last night I dreamed I went clubbing. Last nightContinueContinue reading “Near Window 12”