Being an Optimist when stuff is a bit shit

Being Optimistic has become a way of life, for me. It’s a deeply intrinsic part of my world view, and it’s at times like this – when everything looks like it’s falling apart – that it feels difficult to continue to hold onto a belief that “things can get better”. Now, I’m aware that I’mContinueContinue reading “Being an Optimist when stuff is a bit shit”

Brexit Blues

I feel like the child of a broken home today. The divorce of my country from the EU has left me feeling like a usurper in my current country of residence (France) this morning, and I can’t shake my feelings of sadness and regret that this day has finally come. But the rhetoric that BorisContinueContinue reading “Brexit Blues”

A brief encounter with left melancholia, and how Auden showed me the way out.

I tweeted, prior to the election results, that I was worried that the election would go like the scene at the beginning/end of A Brief Encounter – where Celia Johnson watches Trevor Howard walk out of her life forever. That all this would be was a brief touch on the shoulder, that Corbyn would havenContinueContinue reading “A brief encounter with left melancholia, and how Auden showed me the way out.”