A friend wrote a poem

A friend wrote a poem so beautiful it made me want to stop writing altogether because, and I’ll quote myself, “how could I write anything with as much gravitas as these twenty lines?” What is it about poetry that takes all the unspooling nature of human thought and emotion, that I write down in halfContinueContinue reading “A friend wrote a poem”

Near Window 19: Far Window

Now I wander in confusion (4,6) – Megan Courtman A window in Devon I cried when I saw my crumpled crosswords. The Roomba had mangled them, whirred over their edges and swept at their corners. The paper plains become crags and creases and trenches. “Oh,” I said weakly, and sank to my knees.What metaphor wasContinueContinue reading “Near Window 19: Far Window”

Near Window 18: Far Window

Todays near window comes to you from the mind and music studio of Steve Tromans. it comes hand in hand with a beautiful piece of music that you can access here. Highly recommend checking out more of his work whilst you’re there! Evening – Steve Tromans It is evening. The lean of the trees. TheContinueContinue reading “Near Window 18: Far Window”

Near Window 16: One near one far

I listened to the queen. You can find here two poems about listening to the queen. One from @extrajugo and one from me. Both written following the queens speech. Not that I didn’t like the speech, which I did, and not that that negates my anti-monarchy political leanings. But just that I thought you’d enjoyContinueContinue reading “Near Window 16: One near one far”

Near Window 14 : Far Window

A near window in London Time for something a little different Pearce Lid… munched on his sourdough, it was rock hard by now, as were the other 16 loaves. “Waste not want not” he sputtered on to one as the blood from the roof of his mouth trickled onto the wrinkled empty sac of strongContinueContinue reading “Near Window 14 : Far Window”

Near Window 13

This is just to say That I have eaten All the biscuits That we’re in the cupboard Of which I should probably Have saved you At least one Forgive me They were quite nice Even though I Sicked them up after A hungover poem from me to my flatmate after we drank all our alcohol,ContinueContinue reading “Near Window 13”