Being an Optimist when stuff is a bit shit

Being Optimistic has become a way of life, for me. It’s a deeply intrinsic part of my world view, and it’s at times like this – when everything looks like it’s falling apart – that it feels difficult to continue to hold onto a belief that “things can get better”. Now, I’m aware that I’mContinueContinue reading “Being an Optimist when stuff is a bit shit”

community, optimism, and Wings of Desire

It’s been a tough old time, that’s for sure. I’m writing this from my bed. This spring is much cooler than the last, which saw us entering into a lockdown that was supposed to last 15 days and has, instead, spanned over a year. ‘The New Normal’ is a phrase that I’m saying unironically, JeanContinueContinue reading “community, optimism, and Wings of Desire”