The things we keep

Yesterday, I lay in my bed in the dark and I watched all my stories from the summer of 2020 (actually, as an aside to this point I had to google “zero” and copy and paste those zeros 00000 because the 0 button on my laptop is broken and I can’t afford a new oneContinueContinue reading “The things we keep”

Car Radio.

How is taste formed, do you reckon? I’m not sure how the music I like hangs together, really. Whether it’s knitted together from strands of genres that interweave, or how even the music I like is connected across the gulfs of genre and generation and sound. An ex-boyfriend once told me that all the musicContinueContinue reading “Car Radio.”

Swimming Pool

Imagine this: it’s 35 degrees and you’re on a small poolside on some greek island somewhere. The year is 2017, you’re writing a dissertation about grief and landscape, you don’t like your boyfriend, and you and a pal have escaped to the sun to think about philosophy and art and trauma whilst drinking daiquiris andContinueContinue reading “Swimming Pool”

Ain’t gonna be lonely

I miss dancing on dark dance floors so much. I miss the pounding of my heart, and getting a sweaty face, and just sort of losing myself in the noise, and sound, and rhythm of it all. I miss feeling alone, even though there’s people all around, I miss exorcising all emotion and leaving itContinueContinue reading “Ain’t gonna be lonely”

Dalmation tune

Have you heard Tea for the Tillerman? It always comes into my head unbidden at strange little moments, so that when I listen to it I feel like I’m in all those places at once. It’s only a minute long. Well, a minute and one second. A dalmatian tune. 1:01. But I’m everywhere in it.ContinueContinue reading “Dalmation tune”

Notes towards a post-viral gothic

So I watched this contrapoints video the other week on Opulence. Section 7, on ruin, details instances of decayed opulence becoming gothic; 19th Century Vampiricism, the American gothic of decayed victorian mansions, and the notion of a “dead mall” – but what is it about the decaying parts of consumerist capitalism that inspires such gothicContinueContinue reading “Notes towards a post-viral gothic”

Near window 27

I really don’t know clouds at all In my mind, this year was gonna be a white table cloth spread with breakfast for one. Eggs and avo on toast and freshly brewed coffee steaming, sunlight streaming through open windows juiliette balconetted with views of a small place. The trees outside would hush themselves in gentleContinueContinue reading “Near window 27”

Near Window 20

Time This morning I said I’d get up, but I didn’t. I said I’d do work but I didn’t. I said I’d do a lot of things but I haven’t. Instead I put on this song and danced in my room around the sunsquare, like the breeze coming in through the window, like hot coffeeContinueContinue reading “Near Window 20”

Near Window 18: Far Window

Todays near window comes to you from the mind and music studio of Steve Tromans. it comes hand in hand with a beautiful piece of music that you can access here. Highly recommend checking out more of his work whilst you’re there! Evening – Steve Tromans It is evening. The lean of the trees. TheContinueContinue reading “Near Window 18: Far Window”

Near Window 11

… an interesting question. This time last year I was resurfacing from a pretty deep depression. I know this because I remember, but I was reminded of it because my Instagram archive decided to display some choice pieces of last spring for me to look at. Most of my content last year was me waxingContinueContinue reading “Near Window 11”