Returning to the gallery

It’s a Saturday morning and the sun is intermittently shining on Parisian streets. The leaves, resplendent in their may freshness, dapple grey pavements with the warm golden green if promised summer. I am going to the Pompidou. I went to the Pompidou with a pal when I first moved here and it was absolute chaos.ContinueContinue reading “Returning to the gallery”

Near Window 16: One near one far

I listened to the queen. You can find here two poems about listening to the queen. One from @extrajugo and one from me. Both written following the queens speech. Not that I didn’t like the speech, which I did, and not that that negates my anti-monarchy political leanings. But just that I thought you’d enjoyContinueContinue reading “Near Window 16: One near one far”

Near Window 12

A visitor Hot water thrumming into a red mug, news on, Corona Virus is said 17 times in the first 7 minutes, sun coming gently into the courtyard like a friend placing their hand on your elbow at a party to let you know they’re there. Last night I dreamed I went clubbing. Last nightContinueContinue reading “Near Window 12”

Near Window 6

It ain’t over ‘til it’s over Do you remember what it felt like to lie down on grass and smell it’s green freshness underneath your face, and feel the slight dampness of spring soil under your palms? Or Better yet, can you remember the dry feeling of tickly grass on your legs and the firmContinueContinue reading “Near Window 6”