Liminal Goose.

I’ve been Goose since my first few weeks of Uni, when my friend Josh christened me as such and the name stuck. It’s an identity I feel I’ve taken for my own, a name I relate to, a word that weirdly I feel more comfortable with than my own full name. It’s weird that, isn’tContinueContinue reading “Liminal Goose.”

Near Window 30 +1

…and now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain. Well this has been one hell of a journey. I’ve been inside for 56 days, and I’ve written so many little things it’s a bit mental. Mostly, I’ve felt cut off or lost; the spring playing theatrics at the window: thunderstorm, sunshine,ContinueContinue reading “Near Window 30 +1”

Near Window 29: Far Window

Ramadan Light By Rezia Wahid Oh Ramadan Ramadan Your light is the food of empty bellies Your light illuminates dark houses Your light adds magic to the hands of cooks Your light waters the withered Your light heals the sick Your light is the mercy of the divine Your light is joy to the unsmilingContinueContinue reading “Near Window 29: Far Window”

Near window 27

I really don’t know clouds at all In my mind, this year was gonna be a white table cloth spread with breakfast for one. Eggs and avo on toast and freshly brewed coffee steaming, sunlight streaming through open windows juiliette balconetted with views of a small place. The trees outside would hush themselves in gentleContinueContinue reading “Near window 27”

Near window 26

Chicken Goujons I watched blue crush last Monday because I was hungover as a dog and I didn’t want to do anything but watch a film I’d seen a thousand times before. It got me thinking: my favourite kind of hangover movie is the « girl is good at a sport and becomes pro »ContinueContinue reading “Near window 26”

Near Window 25

To all of you, wherever you are, Sometimes I think life was immeasurably easier when we all lived together in that grotty house in South London. When I remember that house I forget how foetid it was, and how the mould encroached upon our personal space, and how we were all a huge house ofContinueContinue reading “Near Window 25”

Near window 24

Ghost flies I am standing on the stairs to the attic with my left foot above my right foot and my left fingers touching the raised pattern of the wallpaper in the dark. I am waiting for my eyes to adjust to the gloom and it smells like mothballs and misery and misheard arguments inContinueContinue reading “Near window 24”

Near Window 23: Far Window

Today’s near window is a photo essay from Eliza Cox. Eliza Cox is from Adelaide, and can currently be found in Paris. She takes a million photos but hasn’t posted anything on Instagram since 2017. She also has stacks of undeveloped film.

Near Window 21

D e m o t i v a t i o n Yo. Sorry I’ve been away, I’ve been feeling pretty demotivated. I don’t really know what to write apart from « I watched tiger king and read a book and thought about what will happen when this is all over » I feel likeContinueContinue reading “Near Window 21”

Near Window 20

Time This morning I said I’d get up, but I didn’t. I said I’d do work but I didn’t. I said I’d do a lot of things but I haven’t. Instead I put on this song and danced in my room around the sunsquare, like the breeze coming in through the window, like hot coffeeContinueContinue reading “Near Window 20”