What do we do with a clean slate?

Ah, how the mighty have fallen. There I was pontificating bout the only record of my life belonging to billionaires in California, and here I am now having had a monumental iPhone fuck up and I’ve lost the record of the last 4 years of my life because i didn’t want to pay £2.99 everyContinueContinue reading “What do we do with a clean slate?”


Lately I have been thinking about trees. Lately I have been thinking about the way the wind makes them dance around the edges of a darkening park, as the quasi-medieval glow of a well known city unfolds at the base of a hill, and two figures embrace in the wind, limbs chattering with their legsContinueContinue reading “Lately”

A puncture, and a repair kit

I wrote this in the summer of 2018 – it got lost in the archives somewhere and so I’m reposting it for posterity. When I was seven, my dad took me out into the front garden in the midsummer sunshine to mend my bike. It was a Saturday, because he wasn’t working. I remember hearingContinueContinue reading “A puncture, and a repair kit”

Car Radio.

How is taste formed, do you reckon? I’m not sure how the music I like hangs together, really. Whether it’s knitted together from strands of genres that interweave, or how even the music I like is connected across the gulfs of genre and generation and sound. An ex-boyfriend once told me that all the musicContinueContinue reading “Car Radio.”