Near Window 14 : Far Window

A near window in London
Time for something a little different

Pearce Lid…

munched on his sourdough, it was rock hard by now, as were the other 16 loaves. “Waste not want not” he sputtered on to one as the blood from the roof of his mouth trickled onto the wrinkled empty sac of strong white flour he’d bought when the idea of unlimited leisure time had seemed novel. Swilling his Dentyl, the taste of iron fading slowly from his tongue, he remembered a time the PM was mocked for using the word ‘O-NAN-ISTIC’ and was glad he’d googled it when he did.

Today’s Near Window is a guest post from Eden Henderson (you can find him @extrajugo).

“Eden is a chef with a penchant for rollies and drawing in notebooks. He lives on mars and has never read Les misérables”

if u wanna do a guest Near Window from ur room, or wherever u find urself quarantined, just send me a message w/ a pic of ur window and some words 💕💕💕

Published by Lucy Wallis

I'll write about anything. From the Tesco Garage to an art exhibition I liked. From Politics to the weather. Heavy or light. Your car radio, my mum's cooking. Just hope you lot like it as much as I do.

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